How RSPB Increased Acquisition Conversion and Value

How to sustainably get more people to give more? It’s the question every non-profit wants to answer.

It starts by asking the right questions; why would people support us and what do they want?

RSPB commissioned DonorVoice to answer those questions. We did so by measuring the strength of supporter relationship and modeling which experiences helped and harmed both it and value. This insight was further refined by looking at how these answers changed by identity (the innate reason for support).

What we found was two main identities; people who loved birds and people who loved nature more broadly. Across these two identities ran two preferences; people who actively enjoyed birds or nature (e.g. visiting reserves) or people whose enjoyment was more passive (e.g. experiencing birds/nature in their gardens). 

Knowing these identities and preferences existed meant they could be offered, up front, as part of an acquisition effort. This inverted the usual approach where nothing is known about our prospect so we tell them everything about us.

In this example supporters called in response to a value exchange ad they’d seen on TV. The first thing we did was to ask identity and preference. Knowing who they were and what they wanted made it very easy to tailor an offer ideally suited to them.

The results? Conversion increased by 15% and average gift increased by £10. As an aside the call length was much shorter. This same process is easily replicable in any channel.

To increase conversion and value, get in touch with the DonorVoice team today.